A business card is a brilliant way to market your business and can be handed out at networking events to other businesses or clients. But what actually needs to be included on your business cards? We have summed up the top 5 pieces of information that we believe is essential to put on your cards.
1. Logo
Your logo should embody your business and be a keepsake for clients to remember you by. It is key to give your business the image of being credible, professional, and trustworthy. Common types of logos are a written name, monogram or letter mark, or a symbol.
2. Company name
This should be prominent on the page as it is what people need to remember.
3. Tagline
Summarise what you offer in six words or less to focus on the core service that your business provides.
4. Website
Remember that there must be consistency in the design of your business card and website.
5. Contact details
This includes your email, phone number and address. If you have a preferred method of contact, then emphasise it with a larger size, bold lettering, or prominent placement.
We hope that this list is useful as a starting point for where to begin with information to include on your business cards. Remember that business cards do not have to cost a lot to make a big impression. Check out the range of options of business cards on Print Harbour’s website today.